Saturday, September 27, 2008

Oxy acne wash

« ...Healthy pores product is a new and renovating product with a new formula that seems to grab a significant part from the market share in the past 2 years, a similar acne-prevention method. In testimonials from 1999 people say that healthy pores changed their lives and that they are more confident with themselves. Cure time: starts in 2 weeks....
...Cystic acne is a severe skin condition. Unlike whiteheads most people have small and visible on the surface of their skin, cystic acne consists of large irritations underneath the skin. The main cause is the spikes in the hormonal activity leading to sebum extreme overproduction. The oil gland gets swollen and the sebum gets hardened before being able to be eliminated through the skin pores. The gland eventually bursts and the result is an inflammation buried deep under your skin....»
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«...When your face is erupting more than Old Faithful, most of us will try anything and everything to get it under control. The idea that going chemical-free made my face break out is ridiculous. Out of desperation, I tried ProActive at one point. It does dry up blemishes but it also oxidizes your skin, adding to wrinkles and does nothing to keep new blemishes from forming under the skin (those enormous zits I like to call "undergrounders"). The worst idea of all was that the zits were the result of hormones gone crazy, which leaves you feeling helpless. Furthermore nothing, nothing, I put on or left off my face made any difference....»
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tags: acne on my chest, can cigarette smoking cause acne, how much for laser skin care for acne

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